Ways to Aviod Flu

Ways to Aviod Flu

Winter means that at least one of the people you share the same space with will eventually catch a cold or the flu no matter how much you protect yourself and the best way to avoid winter illnesses is to get to know the viruses and learn how they spread. During...
Catching a Flu and Precautions

Catching a Flu and Precautions

Winter is finally here and our worst nightmare, the cold, is waiting to catch up with us, but what about the myths that we have been told by our elders to protect us from the cold? Is there any truth to them? The weather has started to get cold and most of us have...
How to Improve Immune System

How to Improve Immune System

Modern medicine is always there to help you when you get sick, yet it is important to maintain good health especially in autumn and winter. Here are some foods, herbs and essential practices that will boost your immune system during cold days. Autumn, the season of...