Mediterranean Anemia

Mediterranean Anemia

An inherited blood disorder, Thalassemia is characterized by less hemoglobin and fewer red blood cells in your body than normal and its prevalence is higher in the Mediterranean region. Recent studies in Turkey introduce better treatment opportunities with new drugs....
Aging With Grace

Aging With Grace

Turning 40 is a milestone and the natural changes that come with aging are inevitable. Some basic tips can keep you, especially women, looking and feeling younger and avoid the troubles of the transition period as easily as possible The modern man is yet to find a...
Alternative Solutions for Back Pain

Alternative Solutions for Back Pain

Caused by a number of reasons, back pain is a very common problem that affects people at some point in their lives. Its prevalence is also very high in Turkey but there are some basic ways to avoid it before the pain gets worse. Lower back pain is undoubtedly one of...
The Science of Love

The Science of Love

Falling in love can make you feel like the happiest person in the world. For scientists, this sweet phenomenon poses interesting questions and conducted studies have shown love is a biological process involving more science than magic. They explained the science of...
Is Acupuncture Useful?

Is Acupuncture Useful?

Originating from China, acupuncture has been long known around the world and practiced for thousands of years. Recent studies examining its health benefits try to answer the question of how and to what extent acupuncture is useful for common illnesses From the elderly...
Organ Transplant in Turkey

Organ Transplant in Turkey

Tens of thousands patients in Turkey are waiting in line with great hopes to undergo an organ transplant, notably for kidney and there are many considering organ donation or have delayed becoming a donor because of possible questions More promotional campaigns and...